Daily Reckless


Oh come all ye spivs and speculators
You merchant bankers and fiscal masturbators
I will tell you a tale so gallus
I'm a Bolshevik in Buckingham Palace

We're aw up for a poverty revolution
We're selling aff our oldest institutions
We're taking up a poisoned chalice
I'm a Bolshevik in Buckingham Palace

I've lost all my gold, frankincense and myrrh
Now I'm trying to be an entrepeneur
I made a ned porn film called Dobber Does Dallas
I'm a Bolshevik in Buckingham Palace

So come one and all, we're having a ball
There's no need to be financially embarrassed
If you want to invest, I've got Rab C. Nesbit's auld string vest
I'm a Bolshevik in Buckingham Palace


(from Phinea Freak & The Smooth Perturbations)

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